And I thought saying ‘I love you to the Moon and back’ was pretty cool!!

Sharat Misra
6 min readDec 6, 2021


I’m no astronaut and couldn’t ever think of going to the moon. And yet I could see past the farthest star. I get to whisper infinity inside her. For us the ‘journey to the moon and back’ is forever!

For all that I know about it, it sounds picklish! It’s kinda box full of darkness.. You imagine being so close to your beau and you wouldn’t know if saying it would change your life for any good. You feel you mean to talk about love. But before saying things cliche’ about the moon!…think about what it really means. Isn’t it any better if said it in your own way!!

# ‘The sun rises, and a bear and cub begin their day together. They splash in the water, climb mountains, and watch the shimmering sky. They show their love by touching noses, playing chase, and of course, hugging’…

I Love You to the Moon and Back’ is a sweet heart-tugging emotional gentle tale of a bear and her cub; an adorable read by Amelia Hepworth a sweet gentle rhyme…

And it never fails to touch the strings..

Today, I am miles away from the person I was at fourteen; far away from those bittersweet mushy feelings that were a torment sometimes. I couldn’t win myself over to tell others what love is all about; It always ended drearily;

Like everybody else, I too wanted to party on special days especially if it was a birthday or prom party!

Is it really not any easy thing to measure? I would wonder.

It’s always been a meh for me. “Will you be my friend? And it will end abruptly.

Guess I couldn’t ever fake things over!

Image source: ‘LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK…’ in’

Love- I hear everybody say; is a beautiful feeling and finds many ways to manifest itself. So, saying to someone ‘I Love You to the Moon and Back’; Is it a perfect way to treat somebody perfect? I have heard this countless times from those in serious relationships. It sounds just like a mother who loves her baby and tries to make her sleep.

It even sounds hoarse some times.

Perhaps they find it the best way to moonshine their love for someone more than anything or anyone else.

Maybe I toy with half baked ideas for long. May be I wasn’t a whiz kid after all.

I just didn’t know why! But I did figure out how.

It is the easiest thing to say I love you. Yet you are in for a rough time if you couldn’t voice your passion. Because love sets out for utter loyalty and you can’t fathom it; the best you can do is feel it and make your partner feel that he or she is the whole world for you.

I read it somewhere that our heart draws energy enough to drive a truck some 20 miles each day! Whoa!…reckon it’s equivalent to driving to moon and back in an average lifetime! So when you are as happy as a clam in your relationship and fired up enough to belter out ‘I Love You to the Moon and Back’, you are essentially saying that you love them with all the blood your heart will pump in your entire life time.

That’s sweet… and great… and equally meaningful!

I however, find it gross and extremely cliché. Just too many people on too many occasions air their emotions the same way. It’s kinda wising off love to stay connected.

And why the moon? Why not the sun? Why not some other planets like Mars or Pluto? Have we unseated them because of the distance or that they are now considered dwarf planets?

The moon is about 238855 miles away. So when we blurt out our love this way, do we mean to say that we guarantee love only for 477710 miles only?

That’ some mathematics… Your guarantee to stay in love expires by the time you turn 60 assuming you are twenty now. Even a car could get you to travel approx 12000 kms every year.

So, that doesn’t tag you to a very strong way to promise love to eternity…

My take on this? Well…. It’s tad different than what you might think!

I believe that if I was twenty years old and have posted on Instagram “I love you to the moon and back,” to someone I assume I would be expected not to love that person when I got 60.

That’s real Cool! A simple’ I love you’ doesn’t work these days. People need that extra frill to express themselves. An extra pizza that everyone else has- would do just fine.

But if this is what everybody is hollering for, should it mean the same to everybody?

I have been in blissful wedlock for over thirty years with a coy, broad vision gal who never heard of this quote anytime earlier in her life and finds it rather amusing.

What are you saying”? she would quip; “You can say it better in your own words”, if I were to tell her what it all means to everybody else.

“Why would you say that when both of us know that we are not desperate to find each other every time each day of our lives? “Isn’t being together and sharing and caring is same thing as love?”

Both of us know that but still she would admonish.

I assume you are wondering if I have gotten into something too philosophical. What’ s all this musing is about, if revelation is not worth it?

That’ some food for everyone of us to think about.

Besides she might take more than a minute to figure out what this phrase is really all about?

But that is the point…!

Over the moon?… not yet, but I’m Ok with that. Together we have won over many of those cytokine kinda storm of chemicals that leaves us blinded with screaming rage for a while. There are moments of frayed tempers, bad arguments, and godforsaken sizzlers tearing us apart! We might as well be driving each other crazy.

But we manage to get that mess out of our hairs — each time. There is no shame in struggling a bit.

Oh shoot…! Ask no questions and hear no lies!! bait story that I know you wouldn’t buy.

It’s just that finding happiness in your life begins with not wanting to be happy all the time. It’s fine to have bad days. Even when everything in our lives is going well, still there are days when one of us is in bad mood. Life sucks.. everything feels and works awful sometimes.

When it gets this bad, we slow down for three minutes… no more and let our thoughts simmer down. We use those moments to let what is happening around us, sink in.

After those three minutes are up, that seething anger runs out of steam and simmers down to a slower pace.

Crisis staved off, I smile and in turn… she smiles!!

Image source: ‘Love in Old Age’ in

We truly take it in with all our senses. After all a joyful life is the best existence we can hope to achieve. To have someone to love and to be able to accept that love in return feels wonderful!

So, hiccups and hookups aside, who would want to ride to the moon to be happy?

It’s epic anyways!!

Next time, if you plan to take your partner for a ride to moon and back fearing that you might just fall shy of the trust and promises you have made and the whole episode will get trumped, if you didn’t…

Think twice about what it really means. You could do just about everything under the sun and be over the moon without riding up to it. You will come up with a brilliant win…always, all the times!!

So, stay stoked and be a gift to your partner and yourself !

You’ll feel better and so shall your partner.



Sharat Misra
Sharat Misra

Written by Sharat Misra

Free-spirited, minimalist and an ex-banker, I’m a committed keyboard fanatic and luv to write about food, relationship, health and everything sassy in life.

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