“Blast from the Past”: Five easy ways to work smarter not longer and stay ahead of the curve!

Sharat Misra
Thirty over Fifty
Published in
6 min readNov 29, 2023


You don’t have to think big to be outfoxing. Even small changes can bring a slew of difference.

Image source ‘The Power of Analytical Skills: Our Secret Weapon for Success!’ in morphoses.io

It’s been a year since wall-to-wall news around generative AI caught the winds and raked up imaginations extensively, picking up on ideas and opinions and offering startling solutions- all free and easy!

What more with so much flustering doing the rounds, one thing’s absolutely clear. It’s here and not going to go anywhere anytime soon. Soon it will get fully integrated into productivity suites and solutions.

That would mean a truly easy access to genAI in most places. Anywhere from composing e-mails, cleaning up code, brainstorming ideas to performing data analysis; it will have the clue and solution to everything of value.

So where’s all this going? What’s AI got to do with our way of doing things? I’d say not much right away but Chat GPT might pull the rug from beneath us sometime sooner for it’s got cutting edge tech in its arsenal and promises finer results.

Touché! Nah…not really. But ain’t all that soft power a bit off-the cuff? It’s breezy, folksy alright, but I guess it misses completely on the need to get the inside scoop and understand what you’re actually looking for.

It’s revolutionary but with an air of indifference. Lack of academic integrity, limited knowledge, biased responses and inability to multitask… it sucks! Gen AI or not; your Monday mornings still won’t bring you the first smile of the day. Everything will be thin as always and easily roll by.


George Soros might have had the answer to this. He had figured it out helpfully; “The outcome of this book (’Soros on Soros’) is a summing up of my life’s work. . . As I finish the book, I feel I have succeeded.” Not much of a genAI here but who is better equipped to tell what he really thinks and how he thinks and translates everything into a remarkable personal success?

Fortunately, there are just as better ways to evolve and deliver on a better understanding of our future needs. Of course you’ll need to open-up to self-discovery and become a curious enthusiast who wouldn’t hesitate to meet a lot of quirky people and is always be looking for fixes to ‘Whys’.

These five ways might be the end of your comfort but at the end of the day I’m sure you will find your Wonderland!

Image source: ‘How to handle a toxic work environment’ in wemeancareer.com

Work out what you stink at

It sounds more of a bluff than some novel fresh career progression stuff, but it sways as you move ahead in your métier. It lets you find your weak points that need to be fixed and works best when you consider them as gaps in your skill set. What more it makes you stay on your toes all the times to keep tweaking your clout.

See…it’s important to stay passionate about succeeding for you know that someone else knows better. Dump your shakiness, lest frailty swells to billboard size and crushes your chance of a win in your line of work!

Desires fire: Pick the right ones

You don’t want to turn into one of those dreadful swellheads; the kinds who love to be in control of the party. Nobody does. So, decide what’s important; would regulation jeans and white shirt work just fine for you or would you sulk over your clothes and be unpleasantly worried about your appearance.

I for one never cared if my wardrobe was good enough to make me friends with vivacious hot finds. It didn’t matter. I chose to stay ahead in areas I thought I was passionate about. So I reached out and cherry-picked what I loved to do most.

From films and music to technology and food; your choice could make the difference. Follow it with respect and intensity and watch everything fall in place. And, don’t forget to share your eagerness to learn. Like-minds evolve easy and better. Besides, it’s more fun doing together than striking out on your own.

Find Filters: ‘cos they’re your best bet!

Look around and find people who are smarter than you in the swamps you wish to wade through. Filter info that flows your way while pulling together. Of course this would mean trusting somebody’s judgment you barely know.

Yet be insightful, perceptive and awake; it’s highly likely that someday you may hit upon a brilliant idea or insight that has evaded you this far. Exciting as it is you will be shepherding your ideas to success once you climb down and relent to somebody wits.

Don’t believe in everything far and wide

The world generally lends more eyeballs to the bigger, better and bustling. But unimportant and inconsequential too sometimes have new funky and futuristic moments. A small book released quietly will easily hold its own against all those next-big-things unveiled at splashy champagne and celebrity dos.

Then there’s a strange shaky contrast of feedback and reviews to cope with. Everybody’s ever rushing to make a brutal stab as a critic on the internet. Honestly nothing’s dependable 100 percent!

However so many things escape unsullied. With a “positive spin” invent your own inner assessment system. It will let you have a new way of looking at the world.

Image source: ‘5 best practices of performance analyzer in Power BI’ in journeyteam.com

Reinventing the wheel could be disastrous

So what if someone got there first? You can find a different way to discover. You’ll at least have the opportunity to flirt with information for a while! Interpret it in a way it hasn’t already been. Nothing is beyond the pale; connect the dots your way and someday you’ll hit the brilliance on speed dial.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the answer to everything right now. Your context and perspective are enough to save you from the shrill din of;“Shut up, you stupid!”

To keep your value and position intact be mindful that when you can do things that others can’t- like anything from optimizing content or coding for the web, you earn an undeniable advantage for yourself. Dredge up! Staying ahead has never been easy. But gradually you’ll learn to adapt and improve continually!

Still not with me?

Let Alice inspire you. If I may fill you in; not everything in ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ was conjured from Lewis Carroll’s imagination. Stubborn, precocious and curious, she had to crawl down a rabbit hole, encounter obstacles and get lost again and again, but didn’t she finally wake up armed with new experiences to navigate real life better?

Taking risks is scary but standing still is even more. You wouldn’t grow without challenging yourself. Use your weekends and aft-work hours to “do” something beyond drinking beer and dusting your house.

And come to think of it… most people who are at the top end of the curve sleep not more than 5 hours a day.

Image source: ‘Where did I go wrong? Why prospects respond negatively, and what to do about it.’ by Peter Bouvier in linkdin.com

After all life is no fun on the bleachers. You need to engage to be in the fast lane to success.

Work out what you stink at

Desires fire: Pick the right passions to ignite

Filter out information that supports you

Don’t believe in everything far and wide

Don’t reinvent the wheel



Sharat Misra
Thirty over Fifty

Free-spirited, minimalist and an ex-banker, I’m a committed keyboard fanatic and luv to write about food, relationship, health and everything sassy in life.