Five Simple Things Make my World a Happy Place to Live In

Are there really no shortcuts to happiness?

Sharat Misra
Thirty over Fifty


What is it that makes this World a truly happy place? Are there really no shortcuts to happiness? Do we need to get some kind of foothold for a peaceful life first?

Seriously, I am intrigued when I find people binge-watching television, eating mindlessly, going on buying sprees even when perhaps they don’t truly need things, and half expecting these as the only things that will make them happy in the long run.

Of course we all do certain things for survival but very few to feel happiness. Sometimes it’s the combination of positive habits that is enough to make us happy. But isn’t that somewhat similar to finding distractions in life; pushing your boundaries to be happy even when you’re not enjoying them?

This World is definitely a wonderful place to live and be genuinely happy about, but we need to create a wonderland of our own, worth living in. For now we live in a deeply imperfect one.

It’s not what we say that matters. It’s what we do that counts.

For a person being told that he or she has lost weight, climbing into bed with freshly washed sheets or seeing an old couple hold hands might help brighten their day briefly.

But unlike others I am not Ok with a laid back living. It gets too bland when life goes topsy-turvy.

A quick thank you from the boss after a terrible day at work, your favorite song on the radio when you’re fuming stuck in traffic; is any of this enough to make you utterly, ridiculously, jumping-up-and-down happy?

Well, it never worked out for me. I tried fervently, but…

All I could think of was how to come up with a running list in my head; things that I could refer back to later. A bad boring day was like a tartar sauce that tasted indescribably bland, insipid, warm and like some gooey cardboard.

Hard as it was to crawl out of the day, putting everything in one place under my bonnet would somehow make me feel smug and comfortable; and it was some fun too! Nothing’s too big or small to add, I would remind myself.

Guess I was catching on but would unwittingly condemn every single lesson to my fridge only!

Image source: ‘How to stay fit forever: 25 tips to keep moving when the life gets in the way’ by Emine Saner in The Guardian

I would still get stressed and flip out over stupid stuff. I had stopped calling the people who mattered. I was ignoring those closest to me. I was neglecting my own needs though I would still rush around and check off things on my never ending mental to-do-list. And yet… it sucked.

Waking up early, making coffee and sitting down alone for a quiet time on the couch, afternoon naps on days off; nothing would work for me until one fine morning it occurred to me;

I was eating away my time. I badly need a mental shift more than making a list of what would make me happy.

Here’s what I did to turn the World around me and become a better place to live… and be happy about it! A fleeting happiness, a whole afternoon happiness, or warms my heart from the inside kind of happiness; I would never know but they’re all wonderful.

So, when life goes for a spin and you’re in a tizzy, take a moment to notice the things I did to sway happiness my way.

I learned to love and accept myself.

Oh dear! Why it took me so long to learn to love myself inside out. It was so much more about letting go of the things I couldn’t change and appreciating what made me unique.

Being comfortable in your own skin isn’t always easy but it’s a good start to begin with things that make you special. I let go of the things I cannot change and focused on celebrating my accomplishments.

I was planning ahead, thinking positively, getting involved in my surroundings; and being kind to myself.

As it turns out, self-acceptance is not an automatic or default state. Many of us have trouble accepting ourselves exactly as we are. But it’s not so hard to accept the good parts of ourselves.

Doing just that would help you climb out of the slump!

Hanging around with loved ones rejuvenates.

There are moments in everybody’s life when we find ourselves alone, either by choice or circumstance. It then becomes essential to find comfort in presence of people we love most.

It would encourage us to cherish our own company, find joy in our own thoughts and recognize that being alone doesn’t necessarily mean being lonely.

Having someone you can rely on, someone you can share your high and lows with, is a beautiful feeling. Your soul mate, friends or even your pet–their company could surely make you happy.

So, hang around with someone you adore. It’s exciting and would help lift your world.

The joy of giving is a heart winner.

Receiving is a great feeling but short-lived. Our lives are fulfilling when we give and share.

The truest joy is felt when we share and help others to better their lives. A kind gesture howsoever small, is sure to brighten your day, kindle self-esteem and bring happiness and that to the other person as well.

Giving in fact takes you out of yourself and expands beyond your limitations. It results in an experience of love, joy, peace, charity, caring, and self-worth.

You could get a glimpse of ecstasy once you open a conduit for the kind of happiness that no one can ever steal from you. It is an intrinsic reward far more valuable than what you receive.

Image source: ’19 personality development tips that will make you unique’ in

Have something to look forward to.

It’s totally a normal reaction to your present if you experience disappointment or some sense of grief around the loss of future plans. Something as small as your wedding being postponed, random health issues or the loss of a loved one, may leave you sad and wistful — but you shouldn’t be too much.

When in a rut, imagine a new potential future, one with good times. It rekindles.

I learned to believe in making the right choice and strive to live a purposeful life.

It was a kinda pleasant distraction and would make me optimistic of the future. It motivated me to keep going when I’d otherwise want to give up. So, watch out for small pleasures; you’ll end up with something to look forward to in an otherwise average life. Loosen up a little and you’ll run into more opportunities to be happier.

Keep moving even if life gets in the way.

Can you carry on with exercising when you’re not motivated enough, weather has turned for worse or your schedule has become overwhelming? It’s not hard to guess whose call that would be. When it’d come to exercising your options I wouldn’t think twice think about how to “get” fit.

But often, starting out was not the problem; maintaining it was , though I know that it provides more gratification and the cost of not doing it was higher.

Of course, it’s helpful not to try to make yourself do things you actively dislike; but then you don’t have to love it to do it if stakes are so high. I learned to like what I liked as a child. I didn’t really enjoy exercising but I felt better whenever I did it.

So, keep your shape and lifestyle in check; it will work wonders for your emotions. Look for holes in your daily schedule that you can fill with exciting activities and let the rest happen on its own.

Image source: ‘How to plan and benefit from a successful digital detox‘ by Layla Todd in

I f you’re still wondering if any of this holds the key to your happiness, believe me it’s the only way to be genuinely happy and to see you through the end.

It would mean you have done your bit to bring a real and lasting difference to your life. It would mean you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and face the life with a smile and won’t hesitate to push your boundaries.

And above all it would mean shaping a better tomorrow for your self — starting now!



Sharat Misra
Thirty over Fifty

Free-spirited, minimalist and an ex-banker, I’m a committed keyboard fanatic and luv to write about food, relationship, health and everything sassy in life.