The ruthless tyranny of Guns and Abortions: Every time a life gets slaughtered!
In an ideal World, Roe vs Wade would endure, people would unite and stand up to fight Covid and Law makers everywhere would have acted long ago to prevent gun tragedies!
But rather than wishing, shouldn’t we be prepared for a change first?
Guns get all the blame for mass killing every time it happens. An intense life–and-death debate rages for a while and then dies down. Memories and moods remain surreal and short lived. And it’s not long before everybody finds recluse in more earthy issues and moves on. Scores of 4th graders, grocery shoppers and church goers killed in mindless homicides, continue to get reduced to framed memories.
Meanwhile, the Apex court everywhere conveniently locks horns with law makers over contentious gun reforms and abortion bills and none of the arguments coming out of them makes any sense. Political, constitutional or safety of public interests, everything just pales into some super sad pointless ghost story that has no takers.
See…the buzz is so deafening that nobody took notice when the new strain of corona virus crept in quietly!
I use common sense when deciding who should lead and govern and be responsible for my safety and well being. I am also reminded and not forgotten the Boston bombings, mass killings of 9/11, 26/11 and 15/9 (London’s Parson Green metro bombings). And yet I don’t see any reason for anyone owning an assault rifle or a rapid fire weapon. Background checks or pesky formalities for owning a weapon, make life seem so cheap by selling cheap. The only argument in defense…every non-felon ought to be armed against the menace!
If you buy this, owning a fire arm for you is not only logical but prudent. But to me, it’s more like living in flood plains and buying flood insurance.
So, should you be doing it? Only if you uphold that every one of us has descended from slime and there is no eternal consequence for anything atrocious that is done.
But once you buy the idea- ‘that your personal arsenal is your best bet against an unknown threat’ no amount of tragedy can persuade you to ditch it. It’s intoxicating, it’s horrendous…it’s ghastly! Not even the slaughter of innocent children and teachers or unsuspecting shoppers or tired workers returning home could persuade you to forget this abhorrent solution.
Then there’s something more to this…
Even if you find gun massacres like the one at Robb elementary school, Uvalde Texas that left 19 children and 2 adults dead atrociously horrifying, I bet you’d still prefer to see everything distantly; dispassionate and unconnected from the entire tragedy. You have kept your guns safe and secure, possibly under lock and key and consider yourself a responsible gun owner. So some lunatic did the killings. Right…? It’s a shame that the pain and loss never reaches you.
If you carry this logic, all you’d do is offer moments of silence and prayers but resist reforms. The same asinine perception makes you a different person; one who counters bad guys with guns and believes that more good guys are needed with more guns!
If you ask me it’s more like reliving an old-school Western fantasy again- ‘gunmen square off and the ranger always kills the desperado’.
Of course yes! Gun laws everywhere do need changes, but would that mean arming even the teachers and school going kids? I’m sure you wouldn’t want them to. Besides it’s not what a teacher signs up for! Personally, I can’t imagine of an elementary school teacher hopping around with a gun in the classroom, all trigger happy to ward off a threat.
Every life is as dear as it could ever be. And we need to do something to show that. Ricocheting from one tragedy to another is not normal. What are needed are stringent gun reforms with proven track of reduced violence and fire arm homicides. There were armed guards at both the Buffalo and Uvalde massacres, yet the slaying didn’t fell short. Protests and incensed emotions won’t do much except rip apart the existing gun laws.
Till necessary amendments begin to rebuild trust, everything shall remain where it is. It’s a sad inconvenience but loss of lives will be around us for some more time to come.
Whatever…the solution is not more guns! Critics inevitably may have some more to argue over mental health, but till the arbitrage strikes balance….
Innocents will continue being slaughtered!
Every life is valuable
Every thought that weighs abortions with gun homicides is narrow at best. The decision whether or not to go ahead with abortion is deeply personal and sometimes a difficult choice to make. Carnage on the other hand is barbaric, inhumane and shameless violation of ‘right to live’. Any argument that it’s the people that kill people and not the guns is a pathetic replay of one of the worst dissenting woes; that restriction on lawful possession of a firearm will endanger lives of those who don’t possess one.
Excuses like this are frustrating only and wouldn’t do anything to deter the absurdly easy availability of a weapon.
Meanwhile, empaths are rattled by another tormenting downslide in abortion rights. Unable to stall the insane gun culture, the pro-gun activists-especially in America, want guns to proliferate and wouldn’t wish for anything else to change till feticide laws are considered and done with!… ridiculously evil, inappropriate and more like side stepping the issue.
This insanity however has few takers. Fair enough! If the law makers are truly concerned about saving lives, why a gun shopper couldn’t be held to same standards as meant for those contemplating abortion? If everything about MTP is put right, would that mean declining trends in gun violence? Is that the only answer to deterring another kill like 16 Dec 2014 Peshawar attack that left 132 kids dead or 58 Las Vegas concert-goers from dying at the hands of a gunman? Why nobody demands to protect the lives we all seek to save?
And as we wait;
#More than 500 people continue to die every day. This adds up to 1.4 million firearm related deaths globally every year!
#About 2000 people get wounded by gunshots everyday and about 2 million are living with fire arm injuries around the globe.
#8 million small arms and 15 billion rounds of ammo find shelves with arms dealers each year.
#An estimated 40–50 million abortions happen around the world every year; roughly 125000 each day.
#Around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.
Yet everybody just loves to hang around…while the political werewolves quietly mull over electoral incentives that would affect policy choices on issues of national interest.
Guns and abortions? Hang on a sec until…!